It’s Important to Replace an Old Furnace

And since it was so old there were a lot of parts that needed replacing that they don’t make anymore

As a landlord I always have to be up to date on things. I like to make sure that the people who are renting from me are happy and are pleased with their living quarters. The houses that people rent from me are much older than normal rentals. Therefore this past summer I had a lot of renovating and updating to do. I do this because I would rather keep the people who rent for me than have them leave and rent from someone else because everything is outdated. Now that everything in the three houses that I own are updated everyone calls me the best landlord ever. I’m proud to have that title but I do it for their health and safety. Since the houses are older I wanted to have the furnaces replaced. The furnaces are about twenty years old. My HVAC technician said it was good idea that I was replacing them. This is because the furnace is very inefficient and I was wasting a lot of money with the old one. And since it was so old there were a lot of parts that needed replacing that they don’t make anymore. He told me that it was smart and ethical to replacing the furnace because I was losing about forty cents on every dollar that I spent heating the three homes. That adds up to be a lot of money because I’ve had the three units for about fifteen years. Now that I put in a more modern HVAC systems and other appliances I hope to save a lot of energy and money.


hvac for sale

Quality and Clean Furnace Installation

Being married to a technician is a good thing.

If I ever have problems or need his help I usually know where to find him. The other day my computer was going hay wire. I called him up and told him what was going on with my computer, once he got home from work he fixed it. He’s really good with technology and home appliances. My husband works for a very well known HVAC company. He was recently hired and was told that he has been a very good addition to their team. I’m proud of my husband because he has worked really hard through schooling and testing to get to where he is today. He is fully licensed and insured by his company to maintain, install, and inspect HVAC systems. Some of the requirements that he has set forth on himself are very good. He even works on our HVAC system in our own home with those same requirements. What he does when he’s on a job is that he makes sure that he wears shoe covers. He does this because he doesn’t want to bring in any dirt into a person’s home. He also puts down a drop sheet around the area he is working on so there’s no mess or damage to the floor. With all of his schooling and knowledge, he will perform a very thorough inspection of the system. Then he will do a check to make sure the system is running good before he leaves. He even make sures that the system is up to local code. I’m proud to have a husband who is a certified technician.

heating and cooling provider

Repairs Should Be Done By a Professional

Plus if I ever did try to fix it and I made the problem even worse, I would have to fork out even more money

I consider myself as a DIY person. I attend many craft fairs to get an idea on what I would like to build next. I also attend craft classes to get more ideas. Craft classes are my favorite because you can get new ideas and you can socialize and meet new people around you. I met one of my best friends from a craft class. We get along so well and so do our kids. On Sunday’s we like to get our kids together and do a DIY craft all together. My husband even thinks I’m really crafty. He calls me the DIY queen. Even around the house I have built and came up with things to house some of our household stuff. The other day I built a charging station on our kitchen counter top to keep our phones and other electronic devices in. However when it comes to big appliances and repairing I leave it to the professionals. Last month my HVAC system unit broke. Even though I am a “do it my own” kind of person, I called my HVAC technician for him to check it out. I figured it was the furnace but you never know, it might not be just the furnace that is broken. Plus if I ever did try to fix it and I made the problem even worse, I would have to fork out even more money. And since HVAC technicians are properly insured and licensed, if anything else happened while they were fixing the HVAC system, the company would have to pay for it.

furnace/heater repair

Good Customer Service

I am a person who loves to shop.

I mostly shop for big deals and sales.

If I buy anything full price it has to be something I really need and I’ll know it won’t go on sale. When I shop I look for things that could be potential Christmas gifts for my family. Of if something is really cheap I’ll just buy it because I’m sure I’ll have use of it someday. When I walk into store I make sure that the store I walk into is reputable and has served me good in the past. There are some stores that I refuse to go back to because of certain factors. I keep in mind certain factors like the way the store looks, how reliable and durable the brand is, and how good the customer service is. A store has to really be bad at all of these things for me to never shop there again. I keep these factors in mind for a lot of things, especially when choosing an HVAC provider. I make sure that the provider that I choose is reputable and a lot of people that I know had a good experience. I also like to check to see if they have good customer service. I will go online and check their reviews. I even go on their website to see what kind of services they give their customers. If their services provide weekend assistance I will definitely go for that company. I like an HVAC company who is willing to go above and beyond to serve their clients.


Heat pump install

Prepping Home for Air Conditioning Installation

The holidays aren’t for another six months but I always get excited.

I look forward to decorating my house and having a tree with holiday lights everywhere. I recently went to the store and purchased a good few hundred dollars worth of new decorations. The decorations were on sale and I couldn’t resist. The decorations that I did have were old and were handed down to me from my mom. She used them to decorate our house when I was a kid. Therefore I thought that it was time to retire those old decorations and purchase myself some new ones. My husband thought I was crazy since the holidays aren’t coming up anytime soon. But I told him I would rather pay half the price for the decorations now then pay full price later. Since it is still summer there are other things around the house that I have to prep for. It’s the beginning of summer and I have to start prepping my house before my HVAC technician comes to inspect and clean the HVAC system. What I like to do before he comes to my house is write down anything that has changed with the house. I write down if we put in new windows, an addition on the house, or any drastic change. This is because this will affect the heating and cooling load of the system that my technician calculated. I like to go around and check the duct system in my basement to make sure the seals look tight. Then I clear everything around my HVAC system so it’s easier for my technician to work in.


heating and air conditioning

Keeping Your Home Comfortable Without Using Your Air Conditioner As Much

My family owns a pizzeria.

  • Our pizzeria is voted as the best pizza in our county.

It’s a pretty big compliment since we live in a city and we have a lot of other competitors. What makes us better than our competitors is the quality and time that we put into making our pizza. We also establish a good relationship with our customers. That’s the most important aspect in our business is to have good customer service. We believe that this is what keeps our customers loyal to our pizza brand and coming back for more. In the summer we find that it is a little hard to keep the pizzeria cool. We are lucky that our pizza place isn’t for sit down, it’s only for pickup and deliveries. However we still want it to be cool and comfortable for our employees. The ovens emit a lot of heat and it feels ten times hotter in the summer time. Our HVAC provider told us some tips that we could use to save money and not use our air conditioning unit as much. One of those tips was to make sure that our air filters are changed every two months. This is because we are cooking and there’s a lot of food aromas in the air. He also told us to make sure that we have an updated programmable thermostat since this can increase the unit’s efficiency. Since we don’t he will be installing a new one soon. He also suggested that we keep our windows covered on extremely hot days.


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Common Air Conditioning Unit Problems

After about twenty minutes of inspecting the unit, he concluded that it stopped working because of my thermostat stopped working

This summer has been the hottest one yet. I can’t even think back to a time where I have experienced this excruciating heat. I know that when I moved to the south that this is what I signed up for. However I didn’t think that I would experience a heat wave like this one. I haven’t been the only one complaining, there have been a lot of people who have too. The weatherman on the news even looks like he’s sweating on TV. But it’s a good thing that I live near a beach to cool down. One day I got back from the beach and saw that my air conditioner wasn’t on. This was not a good time for my air conditioning unit to be breaking down. I called my HVAC technician right away, he showed up to my house about an hour later. I asked him what could be the problem and he told me some common air conditioning unit problems. He said that it could potentially be from insufficient maintenance due to the air filters and coils being dirty. He also said my compressor or fan could be wearing out due to the overuse of the unit during this hot week. Or it could just be thermostat troubles. After about twenty minutes of inspecting the unit, he concluded that it stopped working because of my thermostat stopped working. It was an easy fix, all he did was replace it. About ten minutes later my house was cool from the hot summer heat.

Residential HVAC

The Difference Between Air Handlers and Air Conditioners

I grew up in a very large family.

  • I have two brothers and one sister.

My extended family is also pretty big too. There is 24 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Coming from a big family has been a blessing though. I have learned a lot of family values that I carry over today to my own family. My siblings and I would argue here and there. I feel like that is pretty normal for most families. Since my sister and I were close in age we were together a lot. Where as my two brothers would hang out together more. I would always get in arguments with my brother whether it was over who was going to do the dishes or with politics. As we are older we even argue about the littlest things. I recently just bought a house and my brother thinks he knows everything about the heating and cooling industry. He’s trying to tell me the difference between air handlers and air conditioners. He’s telling me that air handlers hold the process of what moves the air through my home. Therefore it holds the components like the blower and works with both the heating and cooling system in a home. I told him that I already knew that but he kept going on. He explained to me that an air conditioner contains the condenser and it is the box that is outside of the home. I already knew that too. Sometimes I think he thinks I’m dumb, but most of the time, I know that he’s just doing his big brother job.


mini split air conditioner

It’s Important to Change the HVAC Air Filter

Going on vacation to my aunt’s house is what I look forward to every year.

She lives in the south and her house is on the bay.

My aunt and my uncle have a dock and a pontoon boat. Everytime that I go there I like to fish off of the dock or on the boat. I have caught some really cool things. I caught a small shark, a turtle and a lot of different types of fish. Of course I put all of the things that I caught back into the water. The landscaping around the house isn’t that great, my uncle isn’t a very good handy man. That’s the one thing that I don’t really admire about my uncle. There are some things around the house that a man needs to do and he just doesn’t do him. He’s a little lazy when it comes to all of that stuff. One thing that I notice first handedly when I was there was the air filter. My aunt asked me if I knew how to change the air filter. I told her that I did because I change my air filter on my HVAC system. She wanted me to show her where it was located on the HVAC unit. I showed her where it was located and I told her that she should change her air filter every three months. She asked me why it should be changed consistently, I told her that it eliminates extra stress on the system. I also said that it’s good to keep a clean and maintained system so it works more efficiently.


Electric heating system

Installing a Smart Thermostat for Energy Efficient Purposes

The email sent us a link so we could schedule an information session with an HVAC technician

I don’t mind the college that I’ve been staying at for the past four years. It’s a competitive program that I’m in. This year all the hard work that I’ve put in, I’m finally getting my degree. It’s exciting and scary at the same time since applying for jobs is coming up. The other day I got an email telling me that it’s time to apply for graduation. It literally feels like I just applied for college. I get so many emails a day reminding me to apply for graduation. The first semester isn’t even over yet, I’m not looking forward to graduating just yet! I have also been receiving emails about our campus having wanting to install smart thermostats. I’ve never heard of a smart thermostat and I was curious to what they do so I looked them up. What I found out was that they are energy efficient. You can even control the temperature of your room through your smart phone. I thought this was some pretty advanced technology for a college wanting to implement these campus wide. Our school is trying to save more energy in response to the amount of debt that our campus is in. They feel like by installing these smart thermostats, it can save a lot of money in heating and cooling. The email sent us a link so we could schedule an information session with an HVAC technician. The HVAC technician would come to our townhouse and explain to my roommates and I how to use it.


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